Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Journey...God's Story

Good news is meant to be shared. When the heart is full, the mouth must speak.

For that reason, we want to share with our friends, family, and others about our exciting journey of adopting our son, Benjamin Paul Brady.

More than just a desire to talk about what is happening in the life of our little family, we desire to share with you what we believe is a work that God is doing.

Ultimately, this blog is not about us. (Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to you name give glory, for the sake for your steadfast love and your faithfulness! Psalm 115:1) What you will read here is about what God is doing and how we are trying our best to follow him.

We have entered into the exciting phase of the adoption process, having just been assigned a court date of February 22. In days ahead, we will be telling more of our story and how God has brought us to where we are now. We hope that you might pray for us, and that the words you read here will cause you to see a clearer picture of our GREAT GOD.


  1. This is so exciting! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in Benjamin's life.


  2. I LOVE IT! I am praying that if there is anything that the judge can find to pick on, that it will be hidden from him! I pray that he (or she) gets a really good nights sleep the night before, and has an unexplainable, particularly sunny disposition on the 22nd! I pray that he or she sees your child, and that God wispers in their ear that THIS is your child! May God continue to be glorified by this adoption, now and all the days of Benjamin's life!

