Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Breakfast with a Brady Boy

Fridays are great days.

Daddy is off work, and the entire family has fun together all day long.

Each Friday morning, a different boy goes to the restaurant of his choice with Daddy. A couple of weeks ago, Jack wanted a sausage and biscuit with chocolate milk from McDonald's. Last week, William wanted pancakes with all 5 syrups. (Notice that you must have the bowls of syrup surrounding your plate so you can dip systematically, efficiently and effectively into Maple, Pecan, Boysenberry, Strawberry, and Blueberry Syrup. Sometimes, you need to dip your pancakes into all of them at the same time--something William really likes to do.

This week, it's Isaac’s turn. He’s already said that he’d like to go to McDonald’s but there is time for him to change his mind. We all wonder where Benjamin will want to go eat breakfast with Daddy when he comes home.

Here are some lessons Daddy and William learned together at IHOP last week.

• Daddy likes to dip his toast in his runny eggs just like William likes to dip his pancakes in his syrup. (Don’t tell William, but it’s called "sopping!")

• Jenn is a great waitress and she even brought us BIG bowls for William to use for his syrup.

• Benjamin’s skin is not as black as the people we met at the table across the way. (According to William, it's "more brown.")

• Everyone is special and loved by God. (William said that God created all people in His image and for his glory and that God does not have a skin color because God is a Spirit and does not have a body like us.)

• The people at the other table were the Taylors. We are going to pray for them because their son just died.

• Lots of sugar in the morning makes for a wild 4-year-old the rest of the day!

Daddy can’t wait for this coming Friday morning with Isaac, and he can’t wait to have breakfast with Benjamin soon, too!

Fridays are great days.

1 comment:

  1. Todd, I am so proud of you!!! God has used you in great and mighty ways. Thank you for blogging about your boys. Even though I have not been part of your boys' lives directly, I feel a sense of joy when I read your stories as you continue to fill my life with so much wisdom. God Bless you all as you continue to grow your family!! Remember God is in control!!! & you are always welcome in RoEllen!!! Love ya'll Sandra
