Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Benjamin!

We arrived in Addis Ababa, ate a quick lunch and headed to "meet" Benjamin. We were able to spend about 45 minutes with him this afternoon!

He was overwhelmed by the paparazzi of parents all teeming around and taking his picture, but he went to mom and everything was ok. He got a little nervous with the crowd, and his nervousness showed up in a big way in his diaper! We got him changed, took him back outside, and he immediately fell to sleep in Amy's arms holding on tightly to a new ball we had brought to him. Benjamin was then moved over into daddy's arms and he slept the rest of our visit.

Tomorrow afternoon, we head back to the transition house to get him. Then he is with us the rest of the way!

Meeting him today and holding him was the climax of a long journey. We love him so much, and after tomorrow, he will finally be with us.

Jack, William, and Isaac…Benjamin can't talk yet, but we saw it in his eyes--He can't wait to get home and meet his brothers!


  1. Love it! I teared up just seeing it. We just talked to your boys and they were waiting for the picture too. Emily said it's the best birthday present ever, Brooke's wandering around singing "Happy adoption day to you" and the boys are eating pinata candy. If you can email a picture to me I'll print it out and take it to Granny. I just talked to her and she was so relieved you arrived safely! Love to you all.

  2. I'm with Lara...totally teared up seeing your picture with sweet Benjamin! So happy for you all and thankful that all is going well.

  3. So sweet.......happy to see you all doing so well!! Give him kisses from The Stivers!!!

  4. BEAUTIFUL!! Can't believe you are finally there and have your hands on that sweet boy. Much love, angela

  5. God is so good!! Amazing how He works through those who love Him!!

  6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Praying for all of you!!

  7. He's glad to see the culmination and crescendo of claiming your new son!

  8. praying for all of you and your journey, Benjamin looks so perfect in your arms! :)

  9. He is so precious! You just let me know when you need a night out and I will be happy to babysit! Praying for a safe return home!
    Love, Alli McElroy

  10. Absolutely beautiful!! He's a perfect fit! Praise You Father!
    We Can not wait to see you guys holding him at FBC....

    Praying for your safe return home...

  11. We are very happy for you and for Benjamin. What a beautiful family! Kerry, Ronna & Maggie.

  12. wow. that's all that comes to mind. well, except for God, of course. that'a a given. :) so happy for you guys...can't wait to meet the newest brady boy.

  13. So excited for you!! Jeff and I got to be in Issac's class yesterday for nursery duty and it was so much fun. You know we'll be available to keep ALL those boys when you get back~just give us a call! Much love, Lori

  14. Benjamin Brady, God has provided a family for you. You are safe. You are loved by many. God, be praised!

  15. Congrats to you and to Benjamin! Wonderful picture. Thanks for sharing on this blog. We are rejoicing.

  16. Congratulations Todd and Amy! He is so cute! I hope you have a wonderful and very special Gotcha Day tomorrow!

  17. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no words. my heart is eyes are brimming w/tears...

  18. What a beautiful picture. You look so well rested. God has blessed all of you. Can't wait to meet Benjamin. May God continue to bless you and bring you all home safely.

  19. What a gift from God to both the Brady family and to Benjamin. Love you all, The Orr's.
